Water damage restoration services

Most businesses know about the destructive effects of water but very few know how to mitigate the risk in the case of flooding or water loss.

Benpower water damage Restoration Services drastically reduce water damage through immediate and expert response. From rescue to full recovery, we adhere to the highest standards of quality to ensure client satisfaction.



Water damage can be devastating and deceptive. It threatens and penetrates not only structural surfaces, equipment and machinery – but also furniture, appliances and all miscellaneous contents as they are subject to odours, mould growth, swelling, splitting, delaminating, cracking, decay and many other symptoms. Immediate action is vital to reducing permanent damage.
Floodwater can carry mud, oils, debris and other contaminants into a building. Mould can develop and metal surfaces will begin to oxidise if the dampness remains untreated.
Water causes oxidation of all electrical, electronic and mechanical parts of equipment, plant and machinery.
It is successfully possible to restore books and paper documents damaged by water and mud.
